Night Guards


Why night-guards?

Night-guards is an incredible preventive device in the eyes of our team. Bruxism and “clenching" are problems that are underestimated by our patients and can cause much more serious problems than the well-known cavities. The good news? It's simple to design, comfortable to wear and so beneficial to your dental health.

About night-guards


Night-guards are an appliance used to protect the teeth against the effects of clenching or grinding. These can occur consciously during the day (sports, stress, concentration), or unconsciously during the night.

During certain active sleep phases, slippage or tension can occur on the tooth enamel, resulting in premature wear, breakage or even loosening.

Night-guards are mainly recommended when signs of wear, cracks, breakage or significant loss of tooth height are evident. Some people will be aware of clenching their teeth and will feel tension in the jaw, pain in some teeth and even cracking or difficulty in opening wide. Depending on the nature of the problem, Dr. Katiya will do a complete evaluation to recommend the ideal type of treatment for your situation. Different types of night guard models are available.

The process


The process of creating a custom night-guard is relatively quick. Two appointments in the dental clinic are necessary, the first one to take a digital impression of the teeth and the occlusion or know as bite, and the second one to put the night-guards in the mouth, once it has been designed by our laboratory.

The night-guards can be made to fit on both upper and lower teeth. Comfort, preference or clinical situation will direct the dentist's final decision. They are made of acrylic and can sometimes be reinforced with a metal support depending on the nature of the problem to be solved.

This acrylic is polished to prevent bacteria retention and to ensure a smooth transition between the upper and lower jaw. Depending on the wear of the guards over time, some adjustments may be necessary during your visits in order to maintain an adequate balance between the guards and your natural teeth.

This type of appliance is relatively durable, it is simply a matter of maintaining it properly and making the necessary adjustments with your dentist!